Creating, Speaking, Becoming

Hi, I’m Oyin.
Welcome to my world translated in art form. Through images, words and sound.
I'm a Creative, a Beauty seeker, and an Artist.
I am inspired. I want to make something beautiful with my life and this is the first step in that direction.
Whatever "job" I may have; whatever project; whatever I find my hands doing. And I guess that is the bottom line - I am an Artist because in essence I have to create.
To create something beautiful in and with my life :-)
So this space here is where I'll share my reflections on Creativity, on Art and Life.
I’ve been writing and creating most of my life, but have only recently decided to open up my doors and invite you in. To create this - a Home.
Here is where we’ll journey
Where we’ll finally pick up our pen and place them on the blank pages we call Life.
Where we’ll band together to discover our Purpose and our Art.
Where we find our truest voices and discover how we live that out in our “Today”.
I hope you’ll join me :-)
Peace, Love and Lipstick,
Oyin x